Tuesday 18 November 2014

Thank God

A man was in his jeep, he got to
the Abuja traffic, he looked up and
he saw a man flying an
airplane, he said" how i wish, if I will
reach up to this level so i can avoid
 Abuja traffic
when he looked
behind he saw a man in a small
car praying to God to give him a
jeep to avoid the heat
As that one
looked up he saw another man in a
motorcycle (Okada) also praying
to God to give him a small car
because the sun is too much
man was trekking across the bridge
also praying for God to give okada
to avoid crossing the bridge all the
As he walked down he saw a
cripple also praying for God to
give him legs so that he can cross the
bridge without wheelchair
As the
cripple was praying he saw
ambulance passing by and the
person inside also praying for God
to give the dead body life and take away the
Moral Lesson:
No matter your condition always
give thanks to God.
If you are grateful to God today, just take
2seconds of your time and type
"Thank You God"

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